Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Roots

My winter garden is gone. All that remains are some beets, bolted lettuce, and a few sticks that used to be luscious lacinato kale plants. They'll bounce back like a junky on payday. The Wheatsville Herb Fair was 'transplanted'–har-har–to the downtown farmer's market this past Saturday. Blackberry Shortcake and I went and picked up some starts for the spring garden.

These will be going in the ground shortly. I mostly got tomatoes, but some peppers and herbs were purchased as well. I am excited about this gardening season. I hope to fulfill my goal of producing enough tomatoes to preserve and use over the winter. Tomatoes don't get used too often in my cooking through the winter, yet I would like to dip into my own pantry for some DIY canned tomatoes rather than buy watery-out-of-season-tomato-flavored-cellulose, or expensive organic canned fare. We'll see. More on this as the situation develops.


TexasDeb said...

Maybe it will RAIN some this summer and help us all out. I won't be getting plants into the ground until early April this year tomato-wise unfortunately.

Looking forward to hearing more - especially about preserving. Canning freaks me out a bit...

Flapjacks said...

it seems that the chutney i canned back in the day, that was iffy is okay. no one has died, and i just gave the last jar away.

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